
A Message from:

Shannon Elizabeth Weiss, CEO

Knowledge is power.  It is my hope that this web page will help empower tenants to stand up for their rights.  Tenants in Illinois are very fortunate to have strong laws on both State and local levels to protect their rights.  These laws are designed to level the playing field between landlord and tenant to encourage fair and equitable resolutions in disputes.

Our Mission

  • Promote the public health, safety and welfare.
  • Provide guidance, counsel and legal referrals to tenants and residential rental property owners in the exercise and enforcement of their lawful rights, obligations and remedies.
  • Encourage residential rental property owners and tenants to maintain and improve the quality of housing.
  • Engage in civic, educational and patriotic activities.


The Center for Renters’ Rights was incorporated in 1995. It is a not-for profit community services organization dedicated to the fair and equitable exercise of both Illinois tenants’ and property owners’ rights, duties, remedies, and obligations under the law.

The following are some of the areas of information that we provide for you. By clicking on the links you will be taken to that page and you can review the information provided.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is about legal issues and informational services. It is not legal advice. People seeking specific legal advice or help should contact a lawyer either through the Chicago Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service or from another source. We make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or other sites to which we link.